India is in the third phase of the nation-wide lockdown, announced by the Central Government. However, the Union Ministry announced a few relaxations in this period, including the opening of wine shops and after many stated like Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka opened their wine shops on May 4th, Tamil Nadu decided to open the TASMAC wine shops across the state from May 7th! In the two days since reopening, there have been massive crowds at all of these wine shops and social distancing has not been followed with the alcohol lovers flouting all regulations given out by the authorities. Many petitions were filed in the Courts to revoke the opening of the wine shops and after due consideration, the Madras High Court has taken a decision now!

Breaking: Madras High Court orders closure of all TASMAC wine shops till May 17th!

The Madras High Court has taken into cognisance that liquor is not an essential item and hence all TASMAC wine shops across the state should be immediately closed! The HC judges saw the viral videos of crowds at the wine shops and arrived at this decision to prevent the rapid spread of the COVID-19 Novel Corona Virus! The Court has however allowed online sales of liquor and it remains to be seen how the Tamil Nadu government is going to work this out. The decision to close all TASMAC liquor stores stands in effect till the length of this current lockdown, which will be till May 17th! A further decision in this regard would be taken, post that! Stay tuned for updates...