Telugu Star Allu Arjun made a grand comeback with the family entertainer film Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo and the film has been declared a blockbuster. The movie featured Pooja Hegde as the lady lead with big names like Tabu, Jayaram, Sushanth, Navdeep, Nivetha Pethuraj, Samuthirakani, Murali Sharma, Sunil, Sachin Khedekar, and Harsha Vardhan playing pivotal roles. Directed by Trivikram, the film was co-produced by Allu Aravind and S Radha Krishna under their banners Geetha Arts and Haarika & Hassine Creations. Music director Thaman produced one of the best albums in years which played a major role in the movie's success. Cinematography and editing were handled by PS Vinod and Navin Nooli respectively.
Following the success, the team has been releasing the video songs from the movie and the latest video to come out is of the title track Ala Vaikunthapurramloo. Check out the full video of the song Ala Vaikunthapurramloo below,
Song Details:
Song: Ala Vaikunthapurramloo
Lyrics: Kalyan Chakravarthy
Singers: Sri Krishna, Priya Sisters
Music: Thaman S
Ala Vaikunthapurramloo Title Song Full Video | Allu Arjun | Trivikram | Thaman S | AA19