Actor Vijay’s upcoming film, Thalapathy 64, under director Lokesh Kanagaraj is well into its third schedule at Shimoga in Karnataka and is set to be a long one after beginning earlier this month and is expected to be completed by mid-January 2020. Being produced by Vijay's close relative, Xavier Britto under the XB Film Creators banner and featuring music by Anirudh Ravichander, the makers have now officially announced that the much-anticipated Thalapathy 64 first look will be unveiled on December 31 at 5PM in light of the New Year 2020 celebrations. Check out the announcement poster below:
Gearing up for a thunderous summer 2020 release across the world, Thalapathy 64 has fans everywhere excited for its main cast apart from Vijay which also includes ‘Makkal Selvan’ Vijay Sethupathi, Malavika Mohanan playing the female lead followed by Kaithi villain Arjun Das, Shanthanu Bhagyaraj, 96 fame Gouri Kishan among others in major starring roles.
Fans have massive expectations for Thalapathy 64 as the film has Vijay teaming up with director Lokesh Kanagaraj for the first ever time considering the young filmmaker has made heads turn across the Tamil film industry after his back-to-back successes with his Maanagaram and Kaithi.
சிபிராஜ் நடிக்கும் வால்டர் படத்தில் இணைந்த பிரபலம் ! மேலும் படிக்க...
28/12/2019 11:09 AM
சில்லுக்கருப்பட்டி படம் பற்றி இயக்குனர் ஏ.ஆர்.முருகதாஸ் பதிவு !
28/12/2019 10:00 AM
இந்திய அளவில் முதலிடம் ! அசுர சாதனை படைத்த அசுரன்
27/12/2019 07:53 PM
மீண்டும் துவங்கியது பாரதிராஜாவின் படைப்பு !
27/12/2019 07:44 PM
தர்பார் பாடலின் புதிய வெர்ஷன் இதோ !
27/12/2019 07:24 PM
தலைவர் 168-ல் நிகழ்ந்த அதிசயம் ! குஷ்பூ நெகிழ்ச்சி
27/12/2019 07:09 PM