One of the most popular Tamil film personalities, actress Vanitha Vijayakumar enjoys a massive fan following among the young and the old alike, and became a huge sensation after her appearance on the smash hit reality TV show, Bigg Boss Tamil season 3, in 2019. Vanitha, who has been outspoken on a number of occasions on various social issues, including the ones in her personal life, took to social media on Thursday to share the tragic news that her niece Anitha had died due to cardiac arrest after she underwent surgery recently in New Delhi. Vanitha shared a photo of Anitha and also penned a detailed heartfelt emotional note remembering her.
Vanitha wrote, "Woke up to the most devastating news yesterday morning... my 20 plus year old niece anitha died tragically by cardiac arrest after a surgery she underwent in New Delhi..she was my god daughter ..more like my eldest dad mr Vijaykumar's own brothers' daughter indra, who lives in Singapore is my first cousin,anitha is her youngest daughter...indra akka is the eldest in our family and my favourite sister...her daughter...anitha was the most kindest, understanding, affectionate generous child...she has been there for me always..she promised to take care of me and be the god mother for my kids...she left us pathetically..her body was flown back to Singapore by the embassy as her parents were in Singapore..I was in dubai..I never knew this tragedy happened till the 16th day of her parting..she was supposed to come stay with me for 2 months from mid October...we were planning this past 2 years before lockdown and covid 19... shattered and 💔... speechless and still in denial...I even messaged her before returning to India on October 8 asking her of her arrival to chennai unaware that she was burnt to ashes few days earlier on the 4th of October a day before my birthday... shocked and lost... trying to cope ... navratri cancelled for me this year as im mourning...unlike my sisters my brother and immediate family I am not celebrating and dressing up for others birthday parties or golu celebrations when we lost a girl child in our immediate family few days before..i can't believe that people can ignore the tragedy and pain our own sisters family is going thru and flaunt their sarees jewelry and fake friendships as they always do...obnoxious and inhumane behaviour... I sincerely Thank god I don't have my fake family in my life ...good riddens to bad rubbish..."
Concluding her statement, Vanitha prayed for Anitha and said, "Anitha was one of us and our lakshmi... sorry anitha we kept missing each other and never got to say hello or good bye in person even after 2 years of meticulous planning and discussions..will miss u forever my sweetheart ❤️indra akka try your best to stay strong for athan and anjana..will pray for you guys and my darling anitha who was and will always be my Papa…"
மீண்டும் வித்தியாசமான டைட்டிலுடன் களமிறங்கும் விஜய் ஆன்டணி!!!
15/10/2021 05:34 PM
பிரபல தயாரிப்பு நிறுவனத்துடன் கைகோர்க்கும் சமந்தா !
15/10/2021 05:24 PM
சீரியலுக்காக செம ரிஸ்க் எடுத்த முன்னணி சீரியல் நடிகை ! வைரல் வீடியோ
15/10/2021 04:28 PM
அஷ்வினின் என்ன சொல்ல போகிறாய் படத்தின் தற்போதைய நிலை !
15/10/2021 03:31 PM
அநீதிகளை எதிர்க்க வரும் சூர்யாவின் ஜெய்பீம்!!-கவனம் ஈர்க்கும் டீசர்!!
15/10/2021 02:17 PM
மாநாடு படத்தின் திரையரங்க உரிமையை கைப்பற்றிய பிரபல நிறுவனம் !
15/10/2021 01:27 PM