Director Mani Ratnam is filming his dream project, Ponniyin Selvan, which boasts of some big names in the star cast, including Chiyaan Vikram, Jayam Ravi, Karthi, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Trisha, Aishwarya Lekshmi, Vikram Prabhu, Ashwin Kakamanu, Prabhu, Sarath Kumar, Aadukalam Kishore, Rahman, and others. On the other hand, Rajinikanth’s younger daughter, Soundarya Vishagan is producing a web series based out of the same Ponniyin Selvan. The list doesn’t stop there! Wait! Yes, we have one more film, an animated feature that will primarily focus on one of the lead characters, Vandhiyathevan.

vandhiya thevan

This animated feature is titled as Vandhiyathevan: Ponniyin Selvan Vol 1, which is produced by Saneeshwar Animations International and directed by P Dhavachelvan. The makers have released the first single which is called ‘Ulagam’, an interesting number crooned by Santhosh Jayakaran and penned by Madhan Karky. This song and the film’s music is composed by Ramesh Thamilmani, while the dialogues have been penned by Madhan Karky. What’s special about this animated feature is that it features late Tamil Nadu Chief Minister and Superstar M.G.R. in the lead role.


The makers have animated his character and look using the latest technological advancements and the song’s visuals have opened to fairly decent response. This project serves to fulfill MGR’s long-held dream to act in a movie based on Kalki’s ‘Ponniyin Selvan’. Check out the ‘Ulagam’ song from Vandhiyathevan: Ponniyin Selvan Vol 1 here (below the images):

vandhiyathevan mgr filmvandhiyathevanponniyin selvanponniyin selvan