National Award-winning Tamil actor Vikram, fondly called 'Chiyaan' by his ardent fans everywhere, is celebrating his birthday on Wednesday, April 17, and the wishes are pouring in from all quarters. The acclaimed star performer is all set to invade the screens this year as he will be seen next in the highly-anticipated Thangalaan directed by blockbuster Tamil filmmaker Pa. Ranjith. The upcoming film is billed to be a period action drama set amidst the backdrop of the Kolar Gold Fields during the pre-Independence era and features Vikram going full on once again by sporting an all new look, with the makers releasing a special tribute today as a special birthday treat for his fans.
The Thangalaan glimpse showcases several moments set amidst a scorching landscape where Vikram is seen surrounded by raging fires. There are also visuals showing the actor getting his makeup done and going the extra mile in order to nail the look of his character, with director Pa. Ranjith also seen overseeing the proceedings. We also see Vikram from behind-the-scenes in action sequences along with a few new shots from Thangalaan. The birthday tribute video released as a special treat for the leading Tamil actor's fans then goes on to end with the announcement that the film will open in cinemas soon. This latest glimpse from Thangalaan has reaffirmed the belief that Vikram will once again come out firing on all cylinders with yet another memorable and award-winning performance, and it now remains to be seen when the film will come out in theatres.
The buzz for Thangalaan has been massive right from the beginning and the visuals unveiled so far from the film have undoubtedly impressed fans everywhere as all sights are now set on Vikram to deliver the action with yet another performance. The film also stars a talented ensemble star cast that includes Parvathy Thiruvothu, Malavika Mohanan, Pasupathy, and Harikrishnan who have been cast in pivotal roles, while English actor Daniel Caltagirone is playing the antagonist. Hit composer G. V. Prakash Kumar too is expected to come out with chart-topping hit songs and a powerful background score in Thangalaan as the wait is now on for the first single track from the film to be released soon.
Watch the Thangalaan 'Chiyaan' Vikram birthday tribute video below: