Leading Tamil actor Suriya and filmmaker Sudha Kongara released a statement about their Puranaanooru also being called Suriya 43 and its delay in the late hours of Monday, March 18. The duo informed on social media that their next collaboration after Soorarai Pottru (2020) requires more time, while stating that the upcoming project is going to be a special joint effort. Calling Puranaanooru as a film that is close their hearts, Suriya and Sudha Kongara added that they are intent on delivering the best experience for the fans and concluded by stating that the production will kick off soon.
Addressing the delay of Suriya 43, Suriya and Sudha Kongara's statement read as follows: "Dear All, Puranaanooru requires more time. This collaboration is very special and close to our hearts. We are working towards giving you our best. We will be going on floors very soon. Thank you for your constant love and support." Along with the statement on her X (formerly Twitter) page, Sudha Kongara also went on to share a behind-the-scenes (BTS) working still from their Soorarai Pottru days showing her to be in discussion with Suriya during the production.
#Suriya43 #Puranaanooru @Suriya_offl pic.twitter.com/343EMc2YsJ
— Sudha Kongara (@Sudha_Kongara) March 18, 2024
Suriya 43 or Puranaanooru as it is being called was announced last October amidst massive fanfare and the team's latest statement must come as a big relief to the fans. The much talked about film has been carrying tremendous buzz right from the get-go as it will see Suriya sharing the screen with several big talented names starting with leading Malayalam actors Dulquer Salmaan and Nazriya Fahadh cast in key roles, while Bollywood star Vijay Varma has also been roped into the highly ambitious project, which is said to be revolving around the anti-Hindi imposition movement that took place in Tamil Nadu during the 1960s. An announcement teaser for Suriya 43 was also unveiled giving a glimpse of what audiences what can expect when the film comes out and it now remains to be seen when principal photography will finally begin. There is considerable excitement surrounding Puranaanooru as it will also include music composed by G. V. Prakash Kumar for whom it is his landmark 100th venure as a music director and there are huge expectations already for him, Suriya, and Sudha Kongara to recreate the magic of their Soorarai Pottru, which won them accolades for Best Background Score, Best Actor and Best Picture, respectively, at the 68th National Film Awards.