Telugu superstar Ram Charan's next big film, the tentatively titled RC 16, had an auspicious beginning after a formal pooja was held in Hyderabad, Telangana, on Wednesday, March 20. The upcoming film's pooja ceremony saw several leading personalities grace the occasion, with a video of the proceedings now being released officially by the makers. RC 16 will see Ram Charan teaming up with Telugu filmmaker Buchi Babu Sana, who won immense praise for his directorial debut Uppena (2021), and has national sensation Janhvi Kapoor cast as the female lead, with Academy Award-winning Tamil music director A. R. Rahman coming on board to compose the songs and the background score.
The buzz surrounding RC 16 has been huge right from the get-go and the pooja ceremony video showing the stars come together is now going viral on social media. The much talked about film was launched by 'Megastar' Chiranjeevi Konidela and includes a highly-talented technical team starting with cinematographer R. Rathnavelu, editor Antony Ruben, art director Avinash Kolla, costume designer Deepali Noor, action choreographer: Supreme Sunder, while the lyrics will be penned by Chandrabose, Anantha Sriram, and Balaji, with Kabilan handling the publicity designs. While Ram Charan and Janhvi Kapoor were the stars of the RC 16 pooja ceremony, A. R. Rahman too was the talk of the town for his elegant and stylish appearance and was seen smiling from ear to ear.
Ram Charan, who became a global sensation after the stupendous international success of RRR (2022), is currently shooting the highly-anticipated Telugu-Tamil bilingual Game Changer under blockbuster filmmaker Shankar's direction, and will soon be kicking off filming his RC 16 next. There are huge expectations for RC 16 as the film has been talked about for quite a lot for sometime, with director Buchi Babu Sana recently extending an audition call to aspiring actors. Watch the RC 16 pooja ceremony video below: