Ajith Kumar had two releases last year in the form of Viswasam and Nerkonda Paarvai, one minted money at the box office while the other went on to win people's heart. The much-celebrated actor who took a 3-month break from acting has resumed work for his upcoming film Valimai. Ajith has teamed up with Nerkonda Paarvai director H Vinoth once again for this stylish action cop thriller. This movie, bankrolled by Boney Kapoor under his Bayview Projects LLP banner, went on floors recently and completed the shoot of the first schedule in Hyderabad Ramoji Roa Filmcity. The second schedule of shoot in expected to start in Chennai very soon. Ajith who is playing a cop in this movie was recently spotted interacting with real-life policemen to gather more insights for his role!
Thala Ajith trains with Kanyakumari Police for Valimai Latest PicsThala Ajith trains with Kanyakumari Police for Valimai Latest PicsIt is well known that Yami Gautam has been roped in to play Ajith’s pair in Valimai but who is going to be the antagonist? That’s one thing what all Thala fans are eager to know. It was rumoured that Arvind Swami might be asked to play the baddie but now the latest speculation doing rounds is that actor Prasanna has been in talks to play the negative role in Valimai. When a fan asked Prasanna if he is actually part of Valiami, the actor replied saying, “Not yet bro. Waiting for confirmation.” Madras fame Pavel Navageethan has also joined the team and is most likely to play one of the negative roles in this movie. Yuvan Shankar Raja is scoring the music for Valimai, while details of the rest of the cast and crew are awaited!