The Kannada movie Kavaludaari, which released in April this year, turned out to be one of the biggest hits in Sandalwood. This was the maiden production venture of Puneeth Rajkumar's PRK Productions banner. Following its success, Puneeth had announced that the movie would also be remade in a number of other languages. There were reports that the Tamil remake would star Sibiraj in the lead, with director Pradeep Krishnamoorthy of Saithan and Sathya fame, at the helm. This movie, bankrolled by Dr. G. Dhananjayan's Creative Entertainers & Distributors banner, was titled Kabadadhaari, yesterday. Today, the team had promised to release the movie's title look motion poster and as promised, it has been released.
The motion poster reveals the main cast members and then goes on to reveal the title. The titling is similar to the Kannada version. An investigative thriller, Kabadadhaari also stars Nasser, Nandita Swetha, Jayaprakash and also producer JSK in an important role. Music for this movie will be by Simon K King with Rasamathi handling the cinematography and Praveen KL taking care of the editing. Vairamuthu will be penning the lyrics while John Mahendran & Dr. G Dhananjayan have taken care of the screenplay adaptation and the dialogues. This movie will mark the second time that director Pradeep Krishnamoorthy and Sibiraj are coming together after their first movie Sathya turned out to be a hit.
Kavaludaari told the story of a Traffic Policeman stumbling across three skulls and doggedly tracking it and finding the retired policeman who was originally on the case 40 years back. Rishi and Anant Nag played the leads in the original and Sibiraj and Nasser would most likely be reprising their roles. Sibiraj has quite a few movies in hand, including Ranga, Maayon and Walter, which are all in various stages of production. The team of Kabadadhaari have announced that the shooting for this movie would begin on November 1st. Watch this space for more updates...
சமையல் மாஸ்டராக மாறிய சாண்டி மாஸ்டர் ! அசத்தல் வீடியோ இதோ
23/10/2019 06:00 PM
பிகில் படத்தின் ரொமான்டிக் ப்ரோமோ வெளியீடு !
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ஹீரோ டீசரை வெளியிடும் பாலிவுட் சூப்பர்ஸ்டார் ! விவரம் உள்ளே
23/10/2019 05:12 PM
விஷ்ணு விஷாலின் எஃப்.ஐ.ஆர் படம் பற்றிய தகவல் ! மேலும் படிக்க...
23/10/2019 05:00 PM
பிகில் ஷூட்டிங் ரகசியங்கள் குறித்து தயாரிப்பு நிறுவனம் பதிவு !
23/10/2019 04:43 PM
பப்பி படத்தின் சோத்துமூட்டை வீடியோ பாடல் !
23/10/2019 04:16 PM