The uniquely titled Mosakutty, meaning Bunny in Tamil, is an upcoming movie directed by Jeevan and produced by John Max. This movie, starring debutante Veera, will have Mahima Nambiar as the female lead and music is by Ramesh Vinayakam. The audio launch of this movie is happening at Sathyam Cinemas currently and is being graced by many celebrities. The celebrities gracing this event are producers KE Gnanavelraja, Kalaipuli S. Thanu, Anbazhagan and RB Chowdhary, directors Ponram and Prabu Solomon and others like Snehan, Imman, MS Baskar, Sivakarthikeyan and the rest of the cast and crew members of Mosakutty. The audio was released by Prabu Solomon and received by Sivakarthikeyan. The trailer of the movie was showcased and both director Jeevan and music director Ramesh Vinayakam have been receiving a lot of praise from all the people gathered. The most talked about point at the event was the talent and humbleness of the entire team. The trailer impressed everybody and all the producers and Sivakarthikeyan also stated that they are waiting to watch the whole movie.