The Supreme Court on Friday ordered an interim stay against Madras High Court's decision to ban liquor sales in TASMAC outlets in Tamil Nadu. This stay order has been issued after an appeal was made by the Tamil Nadu government in the Apex Court. After a span of 43 days due to the nationwide lockdown, TASMAC shops in Tamil Nadu reopened on May 7 exempting adjacent areas of Chennai city (Chengalpattu, Kanchipuram and Tiruvallur districts) due to the sharp rise in the number of positive coronavirus cases.
The Supreme Court has also issued a stay order on the case proceeding in the Madras High Court. Due to the stay order issued by the Supreme Court, the ban imposed for the reopening of the TASMAC shops has been revoked. Tamil Nadu government states that financial transactions at TASMAC outlets are being carried out in digital mode. Liquor sales in TASMAC shops are being pursued under the express condition that customers should present Aadhar Card. With regard to online sales, state governments must take a decision, states Supreme Court. TN government has opined, online liquor sales at present is not possible for the time being. There has been a heavy monetary loss to the state exchequer due to the suspension of counter sales in the past few days.
பிகில் நடிகைக்கு வீடியோகாலில் வாழ்த்து தெரிவித்த பிக்பாஸ் கவின் !
14/05/2020 06:53 PM
நாம் இருவர் நமக்கு இருவர் ஷூட்டிங்கை மிஸ் பண்றேன் ஹீரோயின் பதிவு !
14/05/2020 06:50 PM
மீனாவோட பிளான் வேஸ்ட்டா போச்சே...வேலைக்கு போய்த்தான் ஆகணும் !
14/05/2020 06:47 PM
கொரோனா காரணமாக தனிமைப்படுத்தப்பட்டாரா ராதாரவி ? விளக்கம் இதோ
14/05/2020 05:16 PM
ஒரே நேரத்தில் மூன்று மொழிகளில் டிக்டாக் செய்து அசத்தும் ரம்யா !
14/05/2020 04:11 PM
சமையலில் சக்கைப்போடு போடும் STR ! வீடியோ இதோ
14/05/2020 03:18 PM