Actress Khushbu Sundar recently took everyone by surprise with her latest look and ultimate transformation. The fans and netizens were pleasantly taken aback after seeing that Khushbu lost a few kilos and came up with a new makeover. The pictures also went viral on social media and everyone were abuzz about it. Following that, Khushbu has now revealed the reason behind her transformation and how she was able to shed her weight. She said that this weight loss was possible only because of the lockdown and how she had to all the household chores by herself.

She also added that she practiced yoga and plank exercises regularly to keep herself fit. “Many ask me the reason behind my transformation.blame it on help for 70days..was singlehandedly dng all work at home; sweeping,dusting,mopping,dishes,laundry,gardening n cleaning the toilets too. Ofcz workout(yoga+plank)played a major role.And I am not a big eater“, tweeted Khushbu. This tweet has got a very favourable reception from her followers who opine that this transformation process is very inspiring and motivating.

On the work front, Khushbu is acting as one of the female leads in Superstar Rajinikanth’s next biggie, Annaatthe, directed by Viswasam fame Siva and produced by Sun Pictures. Apart from Rajinikanth and Khushbu, the film also features Meena, Nayanthara, Keerthy Suresh, Prakash Raj, Soori, Sathish in the star cast. Khushbu is also committed to acting in a few serials in Tamil and Telugu. Check out her tweet below :