Iyakkunar Sigaram, legend, director K. Balachander has written a letter to actress Lakshmi Ramakrishnan, who is making her debut as director with Aarohanam, releasing on 26th October! The veteran has heaped praise on Lakshmi Ramakrishnan's directorial skills and finesse, and the whole Aarohanam movie itself! In the letter, he has stated that Aarohanam is one of the finest movies he has seen of late, and has gone on to state that this movie has made the whole of Kollywood proud. While praising Lakshmi for the technical perfection of the movie, he also stated that it would be good for many other directors to take a hint or two, from her work! In his own eloquent way, KB has praised the movie, congratulated the team, and blessed them for success! It is indeed huge praise, such words coming from the great director! Way to go Lakshmi Ramakrishnan, and the Aarohanam team! Don't miss it!