Legendary filmmaker and actor Bharathiraja has been admitted to a private hospital in T Nagar, Chennai, following ill health and he is currently being treated by a team of Doctors. According to reports, Bharathiraja was not feeling well for the last few days and he was given medical care at his residence for the same. However, after monitoring his health, the Doctors seem to have advised him to get admitted to the hospital for advanced treatment. Following the medical advice, the legendary personality is currently under the medical care in the hospital. Reports suggest that Bharathiraja is being treated for dehydration related issues.

The hospital management has reportedly made it clear that Bharathiraja is doing good and will be discharged in a matter of few days. An official statement, however, is yet to be issued. This news has garnered wide attention on social media and the fans have been praying for the legend's speedy recovery. At this moment, we at Galatta Media wish Bharathiraja a healthy recovery, wishing to see him back in action soon.

Bharathiraja, on the professional front, just had a release in the form of Dhanush's Thiruchitrambalam which is running with packed houses in theatres across the state. Bharathiraja's fun-filled and light hearted performance as Senior Pazham has won the hearts of the audience and he is being showered with abundant love on social media. His combination scenes with Dhanush and his funny counters are being widely enjoyed by the audiences in the theatres. Thiruchitrambalam, directed by Mithran R Jawahar of Yaaradi Nee Mohini fame, has Nithya Menon, Priya Bhavani Shankar, and Raashi Khanna as the female leads, while the music is composed by Anirudh Ravichander.

Bharathiraja is also a part of various other projects as an actor and further details are awaited.