It's official - National Award-winning Tamil actor Vikram's next big film, the tentatively titled Chiyaan 62, will roll into production from April 2024. The makers of the upcoming film surprised fans with the announcement on X (formerly Twitter) on Friday evening, March 22, saying that director S. U. Arun Kumar of Chithha (2023) fame and his team are hard at work round the clock to kickstart the principal photography next month. They also informed that Vikram is all set to stun them all, while hinting at a special surprise up ahead. The makers wrote, "Yes, we have been seeing your inquiries on #CHIYAAN62 updates We’re not gonna keep you waiting too long Our team under director #SUArunkumar is working all around to START SHOOTING from APRIL 2024 And of course, our @chiyaan sir is fully ready to stun you all Keep guessing !!" (sic)
Yes, we have been seeing your inquiries on #CHIYAAN62 updates
We’re not gonna keep you waiting too long
Our team under director #SUArunkumar is working all around to START SHOOTING from APRIL 2024
And of course, our @chiyaan sir is fully ready to stun you all
Keep guessing !!— HR Pictures (@hr_pictures) March 22, 2024
The buzz surrounding Chiyaan 62 has been high right from get-go after its announcement was made with an action-packed and intriguing video last year giving viewers a small glimpse at what they will be treated to when the film opens in cinemas. Vikram, who is fondly addressed as 'Chiyaan' by his fans everywhere, will be seen sharing screen space with leading Tamil star and filmmaker SJ Suryah and National Award-winning Malayalam actor Suraj Venjaramoodu, and the bar is set high already as fans will be looking forward to witnessing each of them coming out firing on all cylinders and deliver memorable performances yet again.
Chiyaan 62 is director S. U. Arun Kumar's next after Chithha, which not only was a commercial success, but also went on to earn rave reviews from audiences and critics alike, and there are huge expectations for him to top his work once again and this time with Vikram leading the front. Chiyaan 62 will feature songs and a background score by National Award winner G. V. Prakash Kumar and fans will be hoping for him to hit the high note once again akin to his power-packed work in the film's announcement teaser.