Ek Thi Begum is a revenge drama web-series featuring Anuja Sathe, Chinmay Mandlekar, Ankit Mohan, Santosh Juvekar and Abhijeet Chavan in key roles. The series also has names like Rajendra Shisatkar, Vijay Nikam, Resham, Pradip Doiphode, Vitthal Kale, Nazarr Khan, Anil Nagarkar, Suchit Jadhav, Ajay Gehi and Raju Aathavle in other important roles as well. Ek Thi Begum is created, written and directed by Sachin Darekar. Ek Thi Begum is available on the popular OTT platform MX Player and the series have been receiving good responses as well. 
Ek Thi Begum is the story of a stunningly beautiful woman, Ashraf aka Sapna, the loving wife of Zaheer - a once confidante of Maqsood, the underworld don, but now arch-rival. When the rift between the rivals reaches ugly culmination Zaheer gets killed. Ashraf vows to overturn and destroy Masood’s illegal empire using her beauty, sensuality and acute intelligence.

Ek Thi BegumEk Thi BegumEk Thi BegumEk Thi Begum

Here is the new promo from the series Ek Thi Begum,

Begum Se Sapna Tak Ki Kahaani | Anuja Sathe | Ek Thi Begum | Revenge Drama | MX Original Series