Vanitha Vijayakumar - Peter Paul Wedding Controversy: Lakshmy Ramakrishnan gets slammed!

As we all know actress Vanitha Vijayakumar got hitched to an aspiring filmmaker Peter Paul last Saturday on the 27th of June in a simple house wedding ceremony in presence of her two daughters and some family friends. Soon after her wedding went official, Peter Paul’s first wife Elizabeth Helen had filed a police complaint wanting her husband back. Apparently, Peter Paul and Elizabeth have not filed for a divorce yet which makes his second marriage with Vanitha void. In Vanitha’s defence, she says that she is well aware of Peter Paul’s marital status and claims that the marriage has not been legally registered yet, thereby claims that she hasn’t broken any law.
On hearing the statement of Peter Paul’s first wife, many stated raising questions against Vanitha for breaking a relationship. One of the popular comments was from actress and Television anchor Lakshmy Ramakrishnan. She said what Vanitha did was a blunder and she is a disguising example for women empowerment. This as expected did not go well with Vanitha Vijayakumar who never gives up when someone intentionally or unintentionally triggers her. Vanitha replied Lakshmy to mind her own business. The issue got bigger and nasty as both of them refused to budge. Vanitha asked Lakshmy to limit herself to political issues and not interfere in other’s family issues. Vanitha even retweeted an old leaked WhatsApp audio post in which Lakshmy Ramakrishnan a person to not interfere in her life and stop spreading news about her. Vanitha has shared that clipping and had asked Lakshmy Ramakrishnan to do the same.
It all started with this tweet of Lakshmy Ramakrishnan - “I just watched the news!! The man is already married and having two kids, not divorced!!! How can someone with education and exposure make such a blunder?!! Shocked!!! Why did the first wife wait till the #VanithaPeterpaulWedding got over , why didn’t she stop it?. I actually was hoping, she settles down well in this relationship, she has gone through tough times and has been vocal about her experiences. Everyone wanted her to be happy, but sad that she didn’t look into this part. Unless women understand the true meaning of #Empowerment nothing is going to change #Disgusting.”
Thank you for your concern ...I am very well.educated and legally knowledgeable...I can handle my life as I always have fine.without anyones support...BTW I don't need u to.approve or support my decisions...kindly stay away its not a public issue..its not ur show. Keep ur business with the poor innocent public who become scape goat in ur show where you act as a judge to.make money have no business to.comment.. Take of ur life...good luck to u. ennama ipdi pandringle ma...unga vaaya konjam moodunga madam. You are not legal counsel or authorised to discuss other people personal in any public platform. the woman who is involved has a family who she lives with past 7 years who will ensure her safety and stop poking ur nose please If you really had concern you should have called me or DM me.instead of using this situation for your antics and publicity. As I told u already this is not ur show.I am knowingly or unknowingly involved we will sort it out.we don't need ur voluntary moral policing. There are always 2 sides to a story.especially in a dispute between a couple.just because one person chose to suddenly grab limelight and speak utter rubbish it doesn't become a true story.just because one person is decent enough to respect the children privacy and doesn't open.
Lakshmy didn’t leave it without a fight, she came back with this - “Sure, my concern was not just about you, but also about his first wife and children. You are bold and can handle all this, but what about her? She is asking for support from public & I spoke only against remarriage without legal divorce, as it is generally accepted, social norm. I never judged or commented on your personal choices , wanted only happiness for you. But, when someone breaks a social norm, legalities, the society , including me will question that decision, ONLY THAT DECISON - REMARRIAGE WITHOUT LEGAL DIVORCE- Nothing else. I have a humble request, we can limit our debate to only the legal & social angle in the private matter. Let us not judge or brand someone, it is not fair. Pls maintain decorum when you debate/ discus & NO personal attacks/ character assassination pls.”
ஜெயில் படத்தின் காத்தோடு காத்தானேன் யோகிபாபு வெர்ஷன் !
29/06/2020 09:54 AM
இணையத்தில் வைரலாகும் கோப்ரா படத்தின் புதிய போட்டோக்கள் !
28/06/2020 07:01 PM
ஹீரோயின்களை அடுத்து OTT-யில் களமிறங்கும் யோகி பாபு !
28/06/2020 06:28 PM
இணையத்தை கலக்கும் இலியானாவின் போஸ்ட் ஒர்க்கவுட் வீடியோ !
28/06/2020 05:43 PM
ஜெயராஜின் குடும்பத்தினரை தொடர்புகொண்டு இரங்கல் தெரிவித்தார் ரஜினிகாந்த் !
28/06/2020 04:41 PM