‘Thalapathy’ Vijay’s Bigil, which came out as a Diwali release last year under director Atlee, is the third occasion the superstar and the hit filmmaker collaborated after Theri in 2016 and Mersal in 2017. Produced under the AGS Entertainment banner, the film went on to collect over 250 crores in worldwide box office collections after being made at a budget of 180 crores with the action sports entertainer featuring chart-buster music by Oscar-winning composer A. R. Rahman.
Bigil has turned out to be a massive box office blockbuster including getting repeat viewings on the over-the-top media streaming service platform, Amazon Prime, with the film's Creative Producer, Archana Kalpathi, now taking to her Twitter page to express her gratitude towards fans for making the film a success as it is set to complete 100 days in its theatrical run this week. She further added saying Bigil has turned out to be the highest-grossing, maximum-trending and record-breaking Tamil film of 2019 and is wholly due to the huge support from 'Thalapathy' fans world over. Check out her tweet below:
#Bigil will complete 100 days in the box office this week. Could not have happened without the support of our #Thalapathy’s fans all around the world. Thank you from all of us for making it the highest grossing, maximum trending and record breaking Tamil Film of the year 🙏 pic.twitter.com/qz6gMNfQ7a
— Archana Kalpathi (@archanakalpathi) January 29, 2020
Bigil featuring Vijay in dual roles as father (Rayappan) and son (Michael aka. Bigil) also is the first time the superstar’s three films after Mersal and Sarkar have surpassed the 250 crores in box office collections. Paired opposite Nayanthara, the film includes a massive supporting star cast featuring names like Yogi Babu, Anandaraj, Kathir, Vivek, Bollywood actor Jackie Shroff, former Indian football star IM Vijayan, Indhuja, Daniel Balaji, Vivek, Varsha Bollamma, Amritha Iyer, Soundararaja, Gayathri Reddy, Devadarshini, Dheena among others in major supporting roles.
டாப்ஸீ நடிக்கும் சபாஷ் மித்து படத்தின் ஃபர்ஸ்ட்லுக் இதோ !
29/01/2020 05:09 PM
வேர்ல்ட் பேமஸ் லவ்வர் படத்தின் இரண்டாம் பாடல் வெளியீடு !
29/01/2020 05:02 PM
நாடோடிகள் 2 படத்தின் ஸ்னீக் பீக் காட்சி வெளியானது !
29/01/2020 04:50 PM
சமந்தா நடிப்பில் ஜானு படத்தின் ட்ரைலர் வெளியானது !
29/01/2020 04:40 PM
காத்து வாக்குல ரெண்டு காதல் படத்தை துவங்கிய விக்னேஷ் சிவன் !
29/01/2020 03:08 PM
டகால்டி படத்தின் மேக்கிங் வீடியோ வெளியீடு !
29/01/2020 01:43 PM