These are troubled times for the whole world with only sad and gloomy news being reported from all quarters! Even a reduction in the number of deaths is considered to be better news. The COVID-19 Novel Corona Virus Pandemic has been wreaking havoc almost everywhere across the world and claimed lakhs of lives and has infected hundreds of thousands of others! In such times, good news from anywhere is always welcome and goes a long way in cheering up the people and lifting their spirits! Prasar Bharati, the official Piblic Service Broadcaster of our country, has now come up with a wonderful initiative aimed at spreading good news to all the people!
Prasar Bharati has opened up a repository of good news and inspirational stories from all across our country and this is open to be used by all media, to spread some cheer in these dark times! Prasar Bharati has posted the following on their website - "As India fights Coronavirus, many inspiring stories of Health workers, Policemen, Journalists, Individuals, Organisations, Academic institutions have come to our attention. To acknowledge and appreciate their contribution, Prasar Bharati (DD and AIR) has followed these stories from across the country. We are happy to share these stories of bravery, sacrifice and compassion with other media houses so that it reaches wider audience in India and abroad, and inspires and gives hope to Indians and the world in this global fight against the pandemic COVID19." The content in this repository can be accessed through smartphones on Prasar Bharati's Telegram App channel or through their website or obtained in Broadcast Quality from their FTP Server!
Way to go Prasar Bharati and three cheers to you and the Indian Government on such a wonderful initiative!
Check out the tweet here:
.@prasarbharati has opened its repository of good news and inspirational stories on #COVID19, collected from across the country, for use by all media#IndiaFightsCoronahttps://t.co/CHffFmztuk pic.twitter.com/NPBXFpihcR
— PIB India #StayHome #StaySafe (@PIB_India) April 28, 2020
ஜோதிகா விவகாரம் : மனைவிக்கு ஆதரவாக களமிறங்கிய சூர்யா !
28/04/2020 07:15 PM
சமந்தாவிற்காக பிறந்தநாள் கேக் செய்த நாகசைதன்யா !
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காலில் பலத்த அடி ! DD வெளியிட்ட புகைப்படம்
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படப்பிடிப்பை மிஸ் செய்யும் நடிகை அதுல்யா ரவி !
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திருமண புகைப்படத்தை வெளியிட்ட பிரபல மலையாள நடிகர் !
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டெடி பியர் பொம்மை கொண்டு உடற்பயிற்சி செய்யும் சாக்ஷி அகர்வால் !
28/04/2020 03:08 PM