Thalapathy Vijay's Bigil is performing really well at the box office and the film has already collected over 200 crores, thereby making it one of the biggest hits in the actor's career. Amidst this happy scenario, Vijay fans have now got one more reason as well to celebrate their favourite star. Vijay's previous film, Sarkar, directed by A.R.Murugadoss and produced by Sun Pictures, completes its one year by today (November 6) and marking this first anniversary of Sarkar, a new promo video has been released.

sarkar video

This promo video has been released by Sun Pictures and we see some shots from the highlight scenes in the film. The video also emphasizes on bringing the awareness of 49-P among the Indian citizens. The video has already gone viral on social media and the fans have been sharing it with delight on their respective timelines.


The film, which released for last year's Diwali, featured Keerthy Suresh as the female lead and Pala Karuppaiah, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar and Radharavi as the antagonists. Sarkar had music by A.R.Rahman, cinematography by Girish Gangadharan and editing by Sreekar Prasad. For those who haven't seen this special promo video, here it is. Celebrate #OneYearofSarkar: 

one year of sarkar