The Indian Government's think tank NITI Aayog (National Institution for Transforming India) has its head quarters at the NITI Bhavan, in Delhi. Earlier today, it came to light that an employee working at the NITI Aayog Bhavan was found to have tested positive for the COVID-19 Novel Corona Virus and the authorities were immediately notified. The NITI Aayog is following all the necessary guidelines mandated by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and the building has been sealed. The building will be under lockdown for 48 hours and it is being completely sanitised now. An official tweet was posted from the NITI Aayog handle about this situation.
All people who came in contact with the infected employee have been asked to quarantine themselves and efforts are also on to trace others who might have come into contact with the said employee! The infected person is said to be a director level officer and he himself reported it to the employees after getting his test report today morning. Earlier, the Aviation Ministry headquarters was sealed after one of its employees was found to be infected and the same thing happened after a Supreme Court employee was also tested positive. Two Court Registrars who came in contact with this employee were advised to be under home quarantine as precautionary measures. Stay tuned for further updates...
Check out the official tweet here:
An employee working at NITI Bhavan has been detected positive with COVID-19. It was informed to the authorities at 9 am this morning. NITI Aayog is following all the due protocols necessary as per the Ministry of Health guidelines. The building has been sealed.
— NITI Aayog (@NITIAayog) April 28, 2020
போலீஸ் இருப்பது தெரியாமல் லுங்கி பனியனுடன் டான்ஸ் ஆடிய சாண்டி !
27/04/2020 08:34 PM
OTTயில் வெளியாகிறதா சந்தானத்தின் சர்வர் சுந்தரம்...?
27/04/2020 08:13 PM
ஷூட்டிங்கை மிஸ் பண்றேன்...ஷிவானி பதிவு !
27/04/2020 08:11 PM
தளபதியின் உதவித்தொகையை வைத்து அஜித் ரசிகருக்கு உதவிய விஜய் ரசிகர் !
27/04/2020 08:08 PM
கவின் படத்திற்காக காஸ்டியூம் டிசைனராக மாறிய பிகில் நடிகை !
27/04/2020 08:04 PM
தமிழ் ரசிகர்களிடம் மன்னிப்பு கேட்ட துல்கர் சல்மான் !
27/04/2020 07:59 PM