Into the Night is an upcoming Netflix-original Belgian TV series that is scheduled to air in 2020. Created by Jason George (writer), it is inspired by the Polish science fiction novel The Old Axolotl by Jacek Dukaj. The sun inexplicably starts killing everything in its path but 'lucky' passengers and crew of an overnight flight out of Brussels, as they attempt to fly west - into the safety of the dark night. The makers have now released a teaser for this intense and high tension web series.
In a race against the sun, there’s no more time for niceties. Survive together or crash together, those are your only options. Into the Night, a Belgian Netflix original series. Directed by Inti Calfat and Dirk Verheye. Streaming May 1.In a race against the sun, there’s no more time for niceties. Survive together or crash together, those are your only options. Into the Night, a Belgian Netflix original series. Directed by Inti Calfat and Dirk Verheye. Streaming May 1. Check out the teaser: