Madha is a female-oriented psychological thriller film that narrates the story from the perspective and life of a girl named Nisha who is a small-time proofreader. When translated from Sanskrit, the word Madha means Insanity Personified. Madha has huge expectation as the film has won numerous critic awards at various film festivals around the globe even before the release. Madha stars Trishna Mukherjee and Venkat Rahul in the lead roles and the movie directed by Srividya Basawa is bankrolled by Indira Basawa under Third Eye Productions. Music for this flick is composed by Naresh Kumaran. Dop is handled by Abhinesh Nair and the editing is done by Renjith Touchriver. Madha is hitting the screens this Friday (March 13th) and the team has now released a new release trailer of the film. Watch the intriguing trailer of Madha in the link below,
Madha Movie Trailer | Trishna Mukherjee | Srividya Basawa | Venkat Rahul | Telugu Movie 2020
நாடோடிகள் 2 படத்தின் அதுவா அதுவா பாடல் வீடியோ
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கவினை க்ளிக் செய்த சிவகார்த்திகேயன் ! வைரலாகும் புகைப்படம்
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