Marjaavaan, the upcoming Bollywood romantic action drama film is directed by Milap Zaveri and the film is produced by Bhushan Kumar, Divya Khosla Kumar, Krishan Kumar (T-Series) and Monisha Advani, Madhu Bhojwani and Nikkhil Advani of Emmay Entertainment. Marjaavaan features Sidharth Malhotra and Tara Sutaria in lead roles. The film has Riteish Deshmukh as the antagonist and Rakul Preet Singh in an important role as well. Marjaavan also has Nassar, Shaad Randhawa, Ravi Kishan, Varinder Singh Ghuman and Bikramjeet Kanwarpal playing supporting characters. Marjaavaan is gearing up for a grand release on November 15th.
Before the big release, the fifth video song Kinna Sona from Marjaavaan has been released. This romantic track is sung by Meet Bros, Jubin Nautiyal and Dhvani Bhanushali with lyrics written Kumaar. The video gives us a glimpse of the cute moments between the lead pair Sidharth Malhotra and Tara Sutaria. Here is the video,
Kinna Sona Video | Marjaavaan | Sidharth M, Tara S | Meet Bros, Jubin Nautiyal, Dhvani Bhanushali
ஆதித்ய வர்மா ரிலீஸ் தேதியில் மாற்றம் ! மேலும் படிக்க...
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06/11/2019 10:04 AM
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பிகில் நடிகையின் புதிய பட டீஸர் குறித்த தகவல் !
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