The entire world is battling the deadly COVID-19 Corona Virus Pandemic and though initially India was one of the worst hit nations, the numbers have come down considerably, over the past couple of days! The spread is still there and the casualties are also notching up but for a country of India's size, with such a vast population, there is definitely a check on the spread of the Virus. Many polls are conducted across the world and recently, a popular polling organization conducted a poll on how each of the world leaders were faring in the fight against the COVID Pandemic. Our Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has topped the leaders of the world, on this poll!
This poll, which calculates the nett approval rating (calculation of approval minus the disapproval amongst the adult residents of that country), finds Modi to be having an approval rating of 68 points! Narendra Modi leads this list of global leaders, followed by Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador of Mexico and Boris Johnson of the United Kingdom! Modi's popularity is estimated to be based on his handling of the crisis within the country as well as lending a helping hand to other nations by exporting medicines and medical supplies. Let's support our nation by following all the guidelines mandated by the authorities and stay safe!
Galatta Media urges everybody to stay home and stay safe; and to follow social distancing, anytime you go outside!
Uppena படத்தின் தமிழ் உரிமையை கைப்பற்றுகிறாரா விஜய்சேதுபதி...?
22/04/2020 05:34 PM
கமலின் அறிவும் அன்பும் பாடல் குறித்த முக்கிய தகவல் !
22/04/2020 05:28 PM
மீண்டும் இணையும் மேயாத மான் கூட்டணி ! ரசிகர்கள் ஆவல்
22/04/2020 04:52 PM
மருத்துவர்களின் வேதனையை போக்க துணை நிற்ப்போம் ! பா. ரஞ்சித் பளிச்
22/04/2020 03:31 PM
இணையத்தில் பரவிய வதந்தி ! முற்றுப்புள்ளி வைத்த சைலன்ஸ் படக்குழுவினர்
22/04/2020 02:51 PM
கொரோனா பாதிப்பு : ரூ.1.30 கோடி உதவித்தொகை வழங்கிய தளபதி விஜய் !
22/04/2020 02:19 PM