Five hundred theatres in China reopens as Corona Virus cases drop

The new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is spreading around the globe, causing multiple cancellations, postponements and changes to film industry schedules. Theatres in India remains close for the 2nd consecutive weak to stop the virus from spreading. India is still in the second stage of spreading and the government officials are doing all they can to not let it go to the 3rd stage. Film industry is going to get affected by this big time, India’s economy on the whole is going to take a big toll if this situation continues for a few more weeks.
Amidst all this, we have some good news coming from the film industry of China. The Corona Virus originated from China and the country is recovering faster than the rest of the world. China might soon become Corona free. That’s a positive sign. Now coming to the good news, approximately 500 theaters in China have reopened just two months after they were forced to close their doors. Theatre owners in India would be waiting for the day to reopen their gates. Stay tuned for further updates!
என்ன மீனா பதில் கிடைச்சுதா ? நக்கலடிக்கும் ஜீவா
23/03/2020 07:41 PM
மிகவும் சாகசமான ஒரு நிகழ்வு - பியர் கிரில்ஸ் நிகழ்ச்சி குறித்து ரஜினி பதிவு !
23/03/2020 07:36 PM
வள்ளியும்,பார்வதியும் ஒரே வீட்லயா...?
23/03/2020 07:28 PM
கருத்து சொல்ல வந்த ஷாந்தனுவை கலாய்த்த அவரது மனைவி !
23/03/2020 07:00 PM
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