Santhanam’s next release in Kollywood would be Dagaalty, which is directed by debutant Vijay Anand, a former associate of director Shankar. Yogi Babu will be seen in an important role in the film and it will be the first time we would be seeing the two top comedians sharing screen space together. The latest update is that the second single song from the film will be out tomorrow (January 10). This song is called ‘Koththa Koththudhu Boadha’ and it has been crooned by two top class music directors. Guess who?


Well, Santhosh Narayanan and Govind Vasantha have lent their voices for this interesting number which will be released tomorrow evening at 5 PM on YouTube and other audio streaming platforms. The first single, ‘Paaren Paaren’ opened to a fair reception from the fans and music lovers and it is now time for us to gear up for the second single. The film’s teaser got a wonderful response from the fans and Santhanam’s one line counters worked big time.


Produced by SP Chowdhary's 18 Reels, Dagaalty features Rittika Sen as the female lead and has music by popular singer Vijay Narain, marking his debut as a music director. Santhanam's last two films (A1 and Dhillukku Dhuddu 2) have got a good reception at the box office and the comedian turned actor will be looking forward to continuing the success streak with Dagaalty as well. The film is scheduled to hit the screens in January 2020.
