Phone-A-Friend is a sci-fi romantic comedy series starring Akhlaque Khan, Mantra and Swati Kapoor. The series is directed by talented director duo Allyson Patel and Yash Dave, who also directed the critically acclaimed film Question Mark. The series is produced by Ashish and Surabhi Mittal, Utopia Films and co-produced by Anish N Surana. Phone a Friend is a 12-episode web-show revolves around a boy (Akhlaque) who will eventually come across a mobile phone which can talk and it will give him tips on impressing a girl (Swati). It’s a humorous tale of romance and friendship between a guy, a girl, and a cellphone.

Phone-A-Friend premieres April 7th on the OTT platform ZEE5 and the official trailer has been released. Check out the fun-filled trailer of Phone-A-Friend in the link below,

Phone-A-Friend | Trailer | A ZEE5 Exclusive | Premieres 7 April on ZEE5