Following the unabated spread of the COVID-19 Novel Corona Virus in the state, the Tamil Nadu government announced a further, intensified 12-day lockdown in 4 of its most affected districts - Chennai, Chengalpattu, Kancheepuram and Tiruvallur! However, it looks like the residents of Chennai are not taking this lockdown seriously! A latest report from the Chennai Police states that they have seized 7413 vehicles in Chennai and filed about 8105 cases on people, for travelling in Chennai without the mandatory e-passes!

A Press release by the Tamil Nadu government on Tuesday (23/06/2020) evening states that among the 7413 vehicles, 6926 are 2-wheelers, 215 autos and 272 light goods vehicles and this is just over a period of 24 hours. Ever since this lockdown was announced on June 19th, many checkposts have been placed by the Police and officers are also patrolling the streets in 2-wheelers and patrol vans to restrict the movement of people and to keep the spread of the Corona Virus under check. This lockdown has also brought into effect Section 144 in Chennai, which restricts the gathering of more than 4-5 people and makes it unlawful.

To maximise the effectiveness of this lockdown, the TN government also announced that even people going out to procure essentials should get them within a 2-kilometre radius and not use vehicles to venture out but rather walk and get them. E-passes have been issued for people who need to travel necessarily, like healthcare workers, doctors, journalists and government officials who have to work. Tamil Nadu has been recording over 2500 fresh corona virus cases a day for the past three days consecutively and the death toll has also crossed 800. Following a rapid increase in COVID cases in other districts also, the TN government has imposed a lockdown in Madurai district too. It is very crucial that we all come together and follow the guidelines issued by the government to flatten the curve and bring the spread of the COVID Pandemic under check.

We request the public to not venture out unnecessarily and stay safe indoors!