Bollywood filmmaker Karan Johar hosted the Amazon Prime Video Presents India special event at the JW Marriott in Mumbai on Thursday, which saw nearly 40 new project titles being announced, including a number of Tamil originals. As part of the presentation, a teaser trailer featuring each of the titles across Tamil, Telugu, and Hindi languages was shown in a glimpse. The titles and Amazon Prime Video movies and co-productions will be launched over the next 24 months and will range from "cutting-edge thrillers, high-octane action, engaging dramas to light-hearted comedies and heart-warming romances, along with new genres like supernatural, horror, biographies, true-crime and investigative docudramas."

Among the most notable titles appealing to South Indian audiences that were announced include the Vijay Sethupathi and Shahid Kapoor Hindi web series Farzi, which also includes Raashii Khanna and Regina Cassandra and is directed by The Family Man fame Raj & DK duo. Likewise, SJ Suryah and Laila are making their digital debut in the Tamil web series Vadhandhi: The fable of Velonie directed by Kolaigaran fame Andrew Louis, with Vikram Vedha filmmakers Pushkar & Gayatri serving as the Creative Producers. Next, there is the thriller series Suzhal – The Vortex helmed by Magalir Mattum director Bramma and Kirumi fame Anucharan M, with Kathir, Aishwarya Rajesh, R Parthiban, and Sriya Reddy forming the core cast. A glance was also provided into Arya's Tamil horror series The Village, which has him paired opposite Divya Pillai under Aval and Netrikann fame Milind Rau's direction. Another notable South Indian project revealed in the Prime Video Presents India event is the Naga Chaitanya-starrer Telugu horror series, Dhootha, which also has Priya Bhavani Shankar and Parvathy Thiruvothu in pivotal roles under 24 fame Vikram K Kumar's direction.

The Amazon Prime Video Presents India event has turned out to be a huge success, with the reaction from fans for the upcoming titles that have been announced largely positive. All sights are now set on the premiere dates for each of the titles, which can be expected in the days ahead.

Watch the Amazon Prime Video Presents India glimpse below: