Blockbuster filmmaker Vignesh Shivan is the first Tamil celebrity to take part in Galatta Media's new candid interview series, 'Game Changers', with acclaimed and National Award-winning Tamil actress Suhasini Maniratnam as the host. In the first part of the interview of 'Game Changers with Suhasini Maniratnam', Vignesh has opened up for the first time on the events that transpired on AK 62, the film he was initially announced to be directing with Ajith Kumar in the lead role under the Lyca Productions banner. Talking about what led to him not be a part of AK 62 anymore, Vignesh said, "We have to handle everything. I wouldn't say there wasn't any disappointment. But, again, it's the same hurdle. My producer wasn't very happy with the second half portions in my script. But, as I told you, that is what my stories are about and it's tough for me to change that. As a script, everything is fine with sir (Ajith). But, the producer felt that a few things could be in a certain way and I'm not able to do that."

Vignesh Shivan then spoke about how Magizh Thirumeni was a great choice to take over AK 62 and expressed his happiness at the project going to the hit filmmaker. He said, "There's a correct time for everything. And, I feel, even now, whoever is going to do... if a filmmaker like Magizh Thirumeni sir is going to do the film, he's like a very good director. I always think only one thing - sometimes we will not be knowing whether we're getting an opportunity quickly or after a delay. I like to think that I got this opportunity much earlier. Sometimes, we'll walk and go stand at the front of the queue. At that point, we will see that there are two-three people standing there waiting for the same opportunity. Only if an opportunity goes away for one person, the other person will get it. It's all like that. Since this opportunity has gone away from me, it has come knocking for a super solid director like Magizh Thirumeni sir to direct a big hero. In that way, I would see it as a very good thing and it could be an answer to his wait to breakthrough."

Speaking about his current state of mind and his upcoming plans, Vignesh Shivan reveals, "I'm doing another film, which is also very close to my heart. I'm also in a very happy space. When something doesn't happen and if that hero is like an idol to us, beyond making a film with them, the time spent seeing them everyday and the journey, I will cherish all those moments. That feeling will be there within me. But, it's not denied, it may be delayed. Sometimes it might happen... My first film didn't start as planned initially, but it happened at a later time. All this can be taken in a positive stride. Even with Naanum Rowdydhaan, if on day one of the film's shooting, I make a change because the hero says so and if didn't work out based on what that hero told me, it would have been a bigger failure for me. But, I stuck to my instincts since my story is my savior. The story I wrote for Naanum Rowdydhaan has given me this life. If I'm a producer today after starting Rowdy Pictures, it's because of a story. In that manner, I believe in the stories that I write. So, I believe in that story a lot and when I get an opportunity, I'll try to do the story I wish to do and make it a blockbuster. I'm a fan of sir (Ajith) and I too want to make a film that's a visual spectacle. That's my dream. It'll happen correctly because my intention is very pure and the universe will automatically bring it together when I've done something genuine. And, when it happens, I'll enjoy it."

Watch Vignesh Shivan in the super exclusive interview with Suhasini Maniratnam below: