Actor-politician Udhayanidhi Stalin along with director Mari Selvaraj met iconic comedy superstar 'Vaigai Puyal' Vadivelu at his residence on Wednesday, July 5, and celebrated the success of their latest film, Maamannan. A video released shows them being joined by Red Giant Movies' M Shenbagamoorthy and felicitating Vadivelu at his home with a garland on the occasion of the record-breaking success of their political thriller film, which continues to go strong in theatres nearly a week since its release. Posting the video of their meeting on his Twitter page, Udhayanidhi Stalin wrote, "We met and expressed our love and gratitude to annan Vadivelu, who made Maamannan a record-breaking film admired by mankind with his realistic and excellent acting."

The video shows Udhayanidhi Stalin, Mari Selvaraj, Red Giant Movies' M Shenbagamoorthy, and a few others being greeted by Vadivelu at his home. Featuring the 'Raasa Kannu' song from Maamannan, we see the team members of the recently-released box office hit in the video all smiles and handing out a flower bouquet to the comedy legend, while also discussing the film's performance in theatres. Vadivelu, who plays the titular role Maamannan, and father to Udhayanidhi Stalin, has been credited by audiences and critics to be one of the biggest strengths of the film, with praises pouring in for his powerful performance, which is a complete shift from the comedy roles he has portrayed throughout the course of his glorious career.

Over the years, many notable celebrities in the Tamil film industry have cited how good a performer Vadivelu is who has been relegated to doing only comedy, with his latest performance in Maamannan being celebrated by fans, who have been expressing their wish to see him take up more such roles in the years ahead. Produced under the Red Giant Movies banner, the film also stars Malayalam superstar Fahadh Faasil in a role with negative shades, while National Award-winning actress Keerthy Suresh is the female lead, with Academy Award winner A. R. Rahman's songs and background score once again receiving top marks once again.