Blockbuster Tamil actress Trisha Krishnan issued a statement on Thursday, September 21, addressing the latest rumor that has been doing the rounds on social media over the past few days. The Ponniyin Selvan star has dismissed reports that she will be tying the knot with a popular Malayalam film producer and also gave a subtle intimation to the people who initiated the gossip. Trisha further made it known to the team behind the false comments to stop such hearsay in the data-style of the caption that has been seen in the posters of her upcoming film, Leo, which has her paired with 'Thalapathy' Vijay.

Trisha wrote on X, "DEAR "YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE AND YOUR TEAM", "KEEP CALM AND STOP RUMOURING" CHEERS!" (sic) This latest post from the leading South Indian actress has caught the attention for not only its strong message and subtle intimation but also for the use of the caption format seen in the three Leo posters that have been released this week. Even though Trisha has mentioned a team in her post, she hasn't mentioned any names, and her latest statement will no doubt put a full stop to the tittle-tattle that has been a big topic of discussion this past week.

On the work front, Trisha is headlining the much-awaited action thriller film, The Road, which is scheduled to open in cinemas worldwide on October 6. Having tasted massive success for her portrayal as 'Ilaiya Piratti' Kundavai in Mani Ratnam's epic historical multi-starrer Ponniyin Selvan films, the actress will be seen on the big screen in yet another biggie and this time with Vijay once again in Leo directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj. The gangster action film is set for a grand worldwide theatrical release on October 19 ahead of the Ayudha pooja festivities and marks her reunion after a gap of 15 years with the Tamil superstar having previously collaborated in Ghilli (2004), Thirupaachi (2005), Aathi (2006), and Kuruvi (2008).