Tamil actor Vijay and blockbuster director Lokesh Kanagaraj are teaming up for the second time in Thalapathy 67 after Master, which went on to become a spectacular box-office success in 2021. The upcoming film being produced by S S Lalit Kumar's 7 Screen Studio banner will feature music by Anirudh Ravichander and also includes a few big names already announced to be a part of the star cast among whom are Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt, who will be making his Tamil cinema debut, while actress Priya Anand is playing a key role. In that light, it has now been officially announced that acclaimed filmmaker-actor Mysskin has boarded Thalapathy 67, which is a reunion for him with Vijay after 21 years when he worked as an associate director on the Tamil superstar's Youth released in 2002.

Mysskin shared his excitement at joining the Thalapathy 67 cast and recalled the nostalgic moments with Vijay during the Youth shooting. He said, "21 years ago I worked as an associate director for Vijay's film; the one thing that hasn't changed in all these years, is the bond that we shared. This excites me more and especially because of the mutual love and respect that Lokesh & I have. I'm eagerly waiting to see you all in the theatres with Thalapathy 67." Although fans have wanted to witness Vijay under Mysskin's direction for years, the duo acting together in Thalapathy 67 will no doubt come as super exciting news to many. Check out the announcement below:

Thalapathy 67 is Mysskin's next big film after he was announced to be a part of Sivakarthikeyan's Maaveeran, with reports stating he might be playing the role of the villain. Similarly, speculations have also been rife that the celebrated filmmaker could be appearing as a villain in the Vijay-starrer and it now remains to be seen what his role in the film could be. Apart from his roles in Thalapathy 67 and Maaveeran, Mysskin is also awaiting the release of his much-awaited directorial Pisaasu II starring Andrea Jeremiah in the lead role alongside 'Makkal Selvan' Vijay Sethupathi, who is appearing in an extended cameo.