Popular Telugu actor Vijaya Krishna Naresh or Naresh Babu as he is fondly called by fans has announced that he will be tying the knot with Pavitra Lokesh in a romantic video that he posted on social media on New Year’s Day. The couple revealed the big news in the video in which they can be seen sharing a kiss on the occasion of New Year, while also sending their wishes to fans everywhere. For the unversed, Naresh is Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu's half-brother and son of actress Vijaya Nirmala and her first husband, K. S. Murthy. He was married thrice before and has three sons from each marriage.

Naresh has been seen in around 200 Telugu films after starting out as a child artiste in the 1970s, while later venturing into politics and also spearheading several social issues as an activist. On the other hand, Pavitra Lokesh has been seen in supporting roles in Kannada and Telugu films and has also appeared on several notable television shows. Confirming their marriage plans, Naresh and Pavitra captioned their wedding announcement video on Twitter and wrote, "New Year New Beginnings Need all your blessings From us to all of you #HappyNewYear." Below is their wedding announcement video:

As stated earlier, Naresh will be entering his fourth marriage after he first got into wedlock with the daughter of senior dance master Srinu, with whom he has a son named Naveen Vijaykrishna. He later tied the knot with Rekha Supriya, the granddaughter of the famous poet and lyricist Devulapalli Krishna Shastri, and has a son with her whom they named Teja. Naresh later divorced his second wife and got married to Ramya Raghupathi, who was twenty years younger than him at the time of their wedding. Pavitra Lokesh, on the other hand, divorced her first husband, who was a software engineer, and got into a relationship with Suchendra Prasad, before parting ways in 2018. It is to be noted that Pavitra played the role of Mahesh Babu's mother in Sarkaru Vaari Paata released last year, which had National Award-winning actress Keerthy Suresh as the female lead.