Kanguva is the massive next project of actor Suriya that is directed by Siva, who has previously made many hit films with leading actors including Ajith Kumar and ‘Superstar’ Rajinikanth. A Glimpse from the film was revealed on July 22 in celebration of the actor's birthday. The video went viral instantly and became a topic of discussion. Fans requested that the music that was featured in the glimpse to be released separately. The makers have now shared an update saying that they have released the music from the glimpse video on all leading music streaming platforms. They have shared it with the caption, "Here you go. Just as we promised. Listen to the roaring Glimpse of Kanguva music on you on your favourite streaming platforms".

The glimpse video of Kanguva shows the film will surely offer something that is not seen much in the Tamil film industry. The music featured in the video was composed by Devi Sri Prasad and the film marks his comeback to the Tamil film industry, as the last film he had composed was Saamy 2. Three days after the release of the glimpse video, it has over 30 million views on YouTube. It was released in six languages the can be accessed through the audio option, and it's the first Tamil video to be released in English. The film is set for a massive release in 3D in 10 languages in early 2024.

Surya is set to share screen space with Bollywood actress Disha Patani for the first time in Kanguva. It will also mark the entry of the actress in Tamil. Though the makers have not revealed much about the other cast members who are a part of the film, it is speculated that actors Natraj aka Natty and Bollywood actor Sunny Deol are playing important roles in the film, but this has yet to be confirmed by the makers.