Sivakarthikeyan penned an emotional statement remembering his late father G. Doss on the occasion of his 70th birth anniversary on Tuesday, June 27. Currently not handling his social media pages himself, an admin shared the leading Tamil actor-producer's WhatsApp status where he posted a picture of his father, who was a police officer, along with a heartfelt note he had written in his memory. Starting his note with the 'Dheivangal Ellam' song from his 2013 film, Kedi Billa Killadi Ranga, Sivakarthikeyan wrote, "whatever I do is all bcos of you appa, the values you taught me and the way you lived up to show how to support others silently irrespective of what we hv in our hand🙏🙏always a proud will be remembered forever appa🤗🤗🤗❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏(sic)".

Sivakarthikeyan also stated in another note that there's beauty in being called G. Doss' son rather than people addressing his late dad as Sivakarthikeyan's father. Having worked as a jailer in the Trichy prison, the late Doss earned a good name among the public and the prisoners for his compassion and his earnest efforts to reform them and set them on the right path. Sivakarthikeyan's father reportedly passed away due to natural causes two decades back, with the actor naming his son born in 2021 as Gugan Doss in his father's memory believing that he has been reborn. Below is SK's WhatsApp status:

On the work front, Sivakarthikeyan is set to have yet another big year and will have his first big release of 2023 with Maaveeran hitting screens worldwide on July 14. Produced under Arun Viswa's Shanthi Talkies banner, the much-awaited action drama directed by Mandela fame Madonne Ashwin includes Aditi Shankar, Mysskin, Saritha, and Yogi Babu in the star cast and features music by Bharath Sankar. Sivakarthikeyan will next be invading screens this Diwali in November with the highly-anticipated sci-fi adventure film, Ayalaan, directed by R. Ravikumar of Indru Netru Naalai fame. Produced under the KJR Studios banner and featuring music by Academy Award-winning composer A. R. Rahman, the upcoming biggie is coming out in cinemas after a long time in development and will include the highest number of CGI shots for a pan-Indian film. Sivakarthikeyan is currently busy filming the tentatively titled SK 21 under Rangoon fame Rajkumar Periasamy's direction, which will see the actor paired with Sai Pallavi for the first time. Being produced by Kamal Haasan's Raaj Kamal Films International (RKFI) banner along with Sony Pictures International Productions and R. Mahendran, the film has music being composed by National Award winner G. V. Prakash Kumar.