Acclaimed Tamil filmmaker-actor Selvaraghavan surprised fans on Tuesday evening, February 6, regarding the much-talked-about Pudhupettai 2, saying the film will most likely roll into production this year. The hit director took to social media to share the exciting news of the Pudhupettai (2006) sequel along with a selfie. Posting his picture on Instagram, Selvaraghavan wrote in the caption: "Hopefully PUDHUPETTAI 2 should happen this year !" (sic)

Although no other details have been revealed about the planned Pudhupettai sequel, the news has nonetheless elevated the spirits of fans everywhere, who have been waiting for a word on the film for quite some time now. Pudhupettai 2 will likely be a continuation of the events from where Pudhupettai left off and showcase two-time National Award-winning Tamil actor Dhanush once again as 'Kokki' Kumar, a slum-dwelling student who goes on to become a feared gangster in North Chennai.

Pudhupettai has garnered a cult status among Tamil cinema fans since its release and the talk of a sequel has often left everyone wondering how Selvaraghavan and Dhanush are going to carry forward the story of 'Kokki' Kumar. The film originally also starred Sneha and Sonia Agarwal as the female leads, with Azhagam Perumal, Bala Singh, Prudhvi Raj, Nithish Veera, among others appearing in key roles, while Yuvan Shankar delivered chart-topping hit songs and a powerful background score. Pudhupettai 2 will mark Selvaraghavan's fifth-time collaboration with Dhanush after their previous outings Kaadhal Kondein (2003), Pudhupettai, Mayakkam Enna (2011), and Naane Varuvean (2022).

Tamil cinema fans are also looking forward to an update on the status of Aayirathil Oruvan 2, which was announced back in 2021 by both Selvaraghavan and Dhanush. As of now, Selvaraghavan is said to be appearing in a pivotal role in Dhanush's landmark film, the tentatively titled D50, which incidentally is also his second directorial.