Galatta Media's new venture, Galatta Plus, a YouTube channel dedicated exclusively to film content from across India, launched earlier this week and on a sensational note. National Award-winning film critic Baradwaj Rangan, the Editor-in-Chief of Galatta Plus, kicked off the proceedings in stunning fashion with an interview with filmmaker SS Rajamouli, known around the country for his Baahubali franchise. The blockbuster director, who will be presenting his next gargantuan venture, RRR, releasing in theatres worldwide on March 25, sat down for an intriguing and detailed discussion with Baradwaj Rangan to talk about the upcoming period action drama, including shedding light on the films he would like to make and not venture into doing.

During the interview, Rajamouli was queried about whether he would do a film that was smaller in scope like Pelli Choopulu or Care of Kancharapalem in comparison to his Baahubali and RRR, which stars Jr. NTR and Ram Charan in the lead roles. The acclaimed director informed, "There are certain kinds of films that I make, I want to make and ones that I don't want to make at all. And, many films fall in between these categories. A simple, light-hearted romantic comedy I would really like to make is something like Pelli Choopulu, which I'm not averse to. The closest I can say is Maryada Ramanna." Rajamouli continued, "I don't know whether I can make Pelli Choopulu, but I would love to try. I love Care of Kancharapalem, but I know I can't make it." Upon being asked why so, the Magadheera director stated, "My sense of creating drama is different. Maybe if I give it a try, I can make a horror film, but I won't make it because I hate horror films."

Watch below SS Rajamouli in discussion with Baradwaj Rangan to learn more about the experience of RRR: