Mani Ratnam is a leading filmmaker who recently directed the two-part film Ponniyin Selvan, that's called his Magnum Opus. The director has done many films that has changed the pace of Tamil Cinema. He is celebrating his 67th birthday today. Kamal Haasan is one of the top-tier actors in the Indian film industry, who has shared a heartfelt note to the director Mani Ratnam in celebration of his birthday. The tweet by the actor reads “if one were to count life by the happiness that they create around them and if age is calculated by the friends around you, my dear Mani Ratnam you are going to be a much older man today!” Kamal Haasan further went on to praise the director as the doyen (a highly skilled person) of Indian Cinema, "who constantly pushes boundaries of cinema unmindful of the scale of challenge by constantly leading."

Kamal Haasan who is called by his fans 'Ulaganayagan' for his genius in acting and filmmaking further went on to say about Mani Ratnam that from Nayakan to KH234, their journey together was personally rewarding and enriching him and ended the not saying birthday wish. The tweet by the talented actor has become viral on social media. Mani Ratnam has directed Kamal Haasan in the classic hit film Nayakan. The duo is set to join hands together for another film, that's tentatively titled KH234 was announced in November last year. It will be produced by the three big production houses Red Giant Movies, Raj Kamal Films International and Madras Talkies. The film will also have music by Mozart of Madras A.R. Rahman. It is speculated that Trisha could play the female lead.

'Isaignani' Ilayaraaja also celebrates his birthday his 80th birthday today and Kamal Haasan penned a note in Tamil wishing his favourite music composer on his birthday.