'Ulaganayagan' Kamal Haasan's Vikram is turning out to be bigger with each passing day as director Lokesh Kanagaraj announced on Saturday that actor Kalidas Jayaram has joined the film's cast. Tagging Kalidas, Lokesh tweeted a photo featuring the Paava Kadhaigal actor and Kamal Haasan, while captioning it, "Welcoming the extremely talented @kalidas700 to our ACTION-CLUB!". Vikram rolled into production a few days back after a formal pooja, which also saw 'Makkal Selvan' Vijay Sethupathi gracing the occasion. Likewise, leading Malayalam actor Fahadh Faasil too shared a selfie last week with the veter actor-politician during the shooting, leaving fans mighty excited about the prospects of Vikram.

Welcoming the extremely talented @kalidas700 to our ACTION-CLUB!👊🏻#Vikram💥 pic.twitter.com/XYYghzOUbV

— Lokesh Kanagaraj (@Dir_Lokesh) July 31, 2021

Kalidas Jayaram boarding Vikram has come at a time as there have been speculations over the past few days that he will be playing the role of Kamal Haasan's son in the film, which hasn't yet been confirmed. Furthermore, there has been a talk doing the rounds that de-aging technology will be used in the film to make Kamal Haasan look younger as was previously used in notable Hollywood films like Martin Scorcese's The Irishman and Will Smith's Gemini Man. Being produced by Kamal Haasan under his Raaj Kamal Films International banner, Vikram has been the talk of the town ever since the film's first look was unveiled and also featured Vijay Sethupathi and Fahadh Faasil.

So far, only the male star cast announcements have come our way and it remains to be seen who will be playing the female lead in Vikram, which is touted to be an intense action thriller. Fans have been particularly excited for Vikram as it will see Lokesh Kanagaraj directing his film idol Kamal Haasan, with many expecting him to once again deliver the goods and this time on a bigger level after leaving everyone impressed with his debut feature Maanagaram in 2017, which he followed up Karthi's action thriller Kaithi, and then scaling new peaks earlier this year with the 'Thalapathy' Vijay-starrer Master. Vikram's technical team is also impressive as it includes 'Rockstar' Anirudh Ravichander for the music, Meyaadha Maan and Aadai director Rathna Kumar for the dialogues, cinematographer Girish Gangadharan, and the National Award-winning stunt choreographer duo Anbariv for the action.