Sought-after director of the Tamil industry, Vetrimaaran, met with politician and leader of Viduthalai Chiruthaigal Katchi, Thol.Thirumavalavan on Tuesday. The leader shared candid pictures from the meeting on twitter that went viral. The pictures show both of them enjoying a snack and as Vetrimaaran looks to be explaining something to the leader and smiling happily. The VCK leader said about the meeting on Twitter that “Iyakunar Thozhar Vetrimaaran at Ambedkar Thidal”. Ambedkar Thidal in Chennai is the headquarters of Viduthalai Chiruthaigal Katchi. On the same day, the leader had also met the actor turned politician Gayathri Raghuram and held a conversation.

Vetrimaaran is known for making critically acclaimed films that also deliver huge box office collections. The busy director has many projects in the pipeline. Asuran was his last theatrical release and he also directed one of the four part's in Netflix anthology Paava Kadhaigal. His upcoming project, Viduthalai, has become of the most anticipated movies of the year and is set to be released in two parts with first installment to be released on 31st March. Soori plays the lead in the film that has Vijay Sethupathi in a important role. The first single from the film, sung by Dhanush and composed by maestro Ilayaraja, was released recently and has become a chartbuster.

Director Vetrimaaran’s next is with iconic actor Suriya and is named Vaadivasal as its set around the Jallikattu sport that’s prominent in TN. A test shoot for the film was held last year and the shooting is expected to begin soon. Recently, It’s been speculated on social media that the talented writer/director might team up with telugu actor Junior NTR, who was a part of the blockbuster RRR movie, next. He also became the showrunner of the Jallikattu based series Pettaikaali that was directed by his former assistant director. The director is also writing another web series called Nilamellam Ratham, for ZEE5, which was announced last year.