Two-time National Award-winning Tamil actor Dhanush's new big film with ace Telugu filmmaker Sekhar Kammula has been officially launched on Monday, November 28, in Hyderabad. The upcoming venture has been announced to be a trilingual film that will be coming out in Tamil, Telugu, and Hindi languages and is being produced by Narayan Das Narang and Puskur Ram Mohan Rao under their Sree Venkateswara Cinemas LLP banner (a unit of Asian Cinema Group) in association with Amigos Creations. As of now, it has been announced that filming on the Dhanush-Sekhar Kammula project will begin soon and is expected to kick off sometime next year. Check out the pictures from the film's pooja ceremony.

The Dhanush-Sekhar Kammula film was first announced in June 2021 and the excitement has been high since then after it was revealed that the project would be a trilingual venture. There are huge expectations surrounding the film as Sekhar Kammula, who won the National Award in his directorial debut, Dollar Dreams, has garnered a big name over the years for his films like Happy Days, Leader, Life Is Beautiful, Anaamika, Fidaa, and Love Story. The buzz is massive for the Dhanush-Sekhar Kammula project as there are reports doing the rounds that the film will be made on a massive scale and fans now await to see who are all part of the cast and crew of this high-profile venture.

Dhanush is currently filming Captain Miller under Rocky and Saani Kaayidham fame Arun Matheswaran's direction and the film is being produced by the prestigious production banner Sathya Jyothi Films. The leading Tamil actor also has in his lineup the highly-anticipated Vaathi, which is also coming out in Telugu under the title Sir and is scheduled to open in cinemas on February 17, 2023. Dhanush also announced Aayirathil Oruvan 2 with Selvaraghavan and a project with Mari Selvaraj, and it remains to be seen when those ventures will flag off.