Leo is one of the most anticipated releases of the years directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj with 'Thalapathy' Vijay in the lead role. The first single from the film titled Naa Ready was released yesterday in celebration of the celebrated actor. The song was also sung by the star has become viral instantly. The next film of the actor that was announced was the tentatively titled Thalapathy 68, It is to be directed by Venkat Prabhu and produced by AGS Entertainment. Galatta Media recently did an exclusive Interview with Producer Dhananjayan who revealed interesting details about how the actor confidently chose Venkat Prabhu for his next.

The producer said "the previous film of Venkat Prabhu was Custody and it did not go that big, yet Vijay sir did not care about it." He then explained that the actor would not judge a filmmaker with one project. If one film does not go well, there could be some reasons, but for that and "so he thought he should not change the filmmakers, he gave his word to him and the story has also been fixed so he though I should not say no” that the thoughts of actor Vijay explained the industry insider. That confidence is what makes Vijay sir unique, he added. As Leo has huge excitement and is coming up as a big film, the next project was expected to be bigger than that when asked if this is true the producer, He said "Not every film should be like that. Because after Beast he did the film Varisu who was a very soft subject" . He explained that 'Thalapathy' Vijay is more interested in doing a variety of films and he would also take the pressure that the next film must be bigger than the previous one.

Thalapathy 68’ has an anticipation as it is set to be directed by Venkat Prabhu who is known for his variety in making films like Maanaadu which has the Timeloop concept. Now, producer Dhananjayan has revealed how actor 'Thalapathy' Vijay chooses his next director.