Popular comedy actor Robo Shankar's daughter Indraja Shankar made her acting debut in Tamil cinema with Thalapathy Vijay's Bigil, directed by Atlee. Indraja couldn't have asked for a better launchpad as the film made her a sensation. Her character of 'Pandiyamma' was well received and she earned the love of the fans through the film. Indraja also recently surprised everyone with her ultimate transformation and the pictures of her new makeover went viral on social media. Meanwhile, Indraja's latest Instagram post created huge confusion among the netizens. She was seen posing inside a hotel and the setup made the fans doubt if she is on hotel quarantine for entering Bigg Boss 4 Tamil as a wildcard contestant.

She posted the pictures and captioned it, "All I ever wanted was to reach out and touch another human being not just with my hands but with my heart ♥️. All great and precious things are lonely ✌ 🙏". Her caption also added up to more doubts and speculations. Since morning, there were several reports claiming that Indraja could enter the Bigg Boss house soon.

However, when we checked with Indraja's side, we were informed that it is for a Telugu film and not Bigg Boss. It is said that Indraja is playing an important role in an upcoming Telugu movie and she is currently in a hotel for taking part in that shoot. It was clarified that Indraja is not going for Bigg Boss. We hope that this clarification puts all the rumours to rest.

Bigg Boss Tamil: Season 4 has started off on a great note and currently there are 16 housemates inside the house - Rio Raj, Sanam Shetty, Ramya Pandian, Samyuktha, VJ Archana, Aranthangi Nisha, Jithan Ramesh, Balaji Murugadoss, Suresh Chakravarthy, Shivani Narayanan, Gabriella, Aajeedh, Som Shekhar, Suchi, Aari and Anitha Sampath. Seven of them have been nominated for this weekend's eviction and one among those would walk out of the show by this Sunday. The show has managed to create some good buzz on social media and has proved to be a good source of entertainment amidst the pandemic.

Very recently, we saw a heated argument between Balaji Murugadoss and Sanam Shetty and the issue garnered big attention among the viewers. Kamal Haasan, who hosted the first three seasons, anchors this season as well and he looks to be in fine form.

All I ever wanted was to reach out and touch another human being not just with my hands but with my heart♥️. All great and precious things are lonely✌🙏

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