Leading Tamil actor Arun Vijay's Sinam is all set to open in cinemas worldwide on September 16 and the buzz for the film on social media has been largely positive. The actor is coming off the success of his previous theatrical release, Yaanai, and will be looking to hit the bullseye once again with the upcoming film directed by GNR Kumaravelan of Ninaithale Inikkum fame, which has him playing the role of a police officer once again after Kuttram 23 (2017). Produced by Arun Vijay's father Vijayakumar under the Movie Slides Pvt Ltd banner, Sinam was recently certified U/A by the censor board and the film's runtime has been cleared to be standing at 1 hour and 54 minutes, which indicates director GNR Kumaravelan has packaged a tight story and screenplay.

Sinam is carrying quite a lot of expectations and the makers have now released an intense sneak peek promo featuring Arun Vijay being recalled to active police duty after he gets suspended for attacking a fellow cop. The scene shows R. N. R. Manohar as the chief police officer trying to convince Arun Vijay as Pari Venkat to get back to donning the khakhi and take charge of his duty with a cool mind. This one Sinam scene shows tension boiling in Arun Vijay after an injustice and it will be interesting to witness how he comes up to tackle the issue.

One of the biggest strengths of Sinam is its runtime as we hear the first half of the film will come to be around 1 hour and 4 minutes, while the second half will be short at 49 minutes. The film is expected to talk about an important social issue and how the police department factors into solving the crime. Director GNR Kumaravelan, who is known for his previous ventures like Ninaithaale Inikkum and Haridas, will be hoping Sinam will come out on top and prove to be a box office success. The film has Arun Vijay sharing screen space with Palak Lalwani playing the female lead, who is known for appearing in G. V. Prakash Kumar's Kuppathu Raja, and includes music composed by Shabir.

Watch Arun Vijay's Sinam sneak peek below: