Ajith Kumar was spotted at the Dhalkebar town in the Mithila municipal area in Nepal in his BMW superbike, latest photos and videos doing the rounds on social media show. The leading Tamil actor is seen with his fellow bikers taking a short stop before deciding to once again resume their journey towards their next destination, with more pictures also shared by fans showing him posting with the staff of the hotel in Kathmandu where he is staying. It is unknown whether Ajith has kicked off the next leg in his world bike tour, which he has termed as 'RIDE for mutual respect' considering his manager had back in March announced that the actor would resume his global motorcycling trip after the completion of his project with Lyca Productions (AK 62). Check out Ajith's latest photos and videos from Nepal below:

As of now, details regarding Ajith's bike trip and the number of days he will be traveling are unknown and only time will tell how long he plans to continue with his journey. Earlier, in December 2022, the actor had completed the first leg of his motorcycling world tour by riding across the states in India, while also sharing pictures of his trip and a map of the places he had traveled to that included Chandigarh, Manali, Sarchu, Leh, Nubra valley, Pangong Tso, Tso Moriri, Kargil, Srinagar, Jammu, Chandigarh, Haridwar, Rishikesh, Kedarnath, and Badrinath.

Ajith's AK 62 is yet to roll into active production considering filmmaker Vignesh Shivan is no longer attached to the film and a formal announcement on director Magizh Thirumeni taking the reins is expected to be made soon. Recently, during the 'Game Changers with Suhasini Maniratnam' interview for Galatta, Vignesh Shivan expressed his happiness at Magizh Thirumeni getting the opportunity to direct AK 62 and shared his wishes to the hit director. Ajith kicked off 2023 on an explosive note with Thunivu, which released as a grand Pongal treat, and has since become a huge box office success, making it his third consecutive successive outing with director H. Vinoth and producer Boney Kapoor after their previous films, Nerkonda Paarvai (2019) and Valimai (2022).